ACC Convention Photo Gallery 1984 - 2012

The history of the Australian Christian Convention from it’s conception in 1984 is detailed in these photos from years gone by. Scroll down to see if you can find yourself . . . or someone you know.

1984 – The First Convention – Charelstown. Instigated by Doug Willis and Alan Horne (left image)
1984 – Charelstown. Peter Rama Rau and Alan Horne lead singing (middle image)
1984 – Charelstown. Brethren attending the first convention (right image)

1985 – Ulverstone. Brethren attended the 1985 Convention & 1986 Convention
1986 – Ulverstone. Alan Horne welcomes Ralph Dornette from the USA to Ulverstone

1987 – Melbourne. Interstate visitors to the 1987 Convention at Belgrave Heights, (VIC)
1987 – Melbourne. Convention at Thornbury Church of Christ)
1987 – Melbourne. Convention atendee with Doug & Joyce (late) Willis

1989 – Charelstown. Alan Horne greets visitors
1989 – Charelstown. Jehosaphat Kakooza looks on as Alan does some need repairs to the van

1991 – Ballina. Victor (l) joins Peter and (the late) George Arundel. The late Tom Hoffman (r)
1991 – Ballina. Youth attending the 1991 Convention at Ballina (NSW)

1993 – Evans Head. Bruce MacDonald with the Tayors
1993 – Evans Head. Elenor Hoffman with Ella Armstrong (now in her 90’s and still faithful)
1993 – Evans Head. Jo Hayter with daughter Steffanie and son Justin

1993 – Toowoomba. Convention was blessed by our Jamaican speaker and family
1993 – Toowoomba. Brethren who attended the 1993 Convention

1994 – Charelstown. Was this Leonard Thompson and wife from India?
1994 – Charelstown. Guest speaker from Florida, USA
1994 – Charelstown. Convention, always time for fellowship and sharing

1997 – Thornton.
1997 – Thornton. Mark Willis (RAFF chaplain) with family members on left
1997 – Thornton. The late Owen Wainright and Gladys Wainwright faithful to the end.

1999 – Tasmania. Timothy Thomas (Brazil) guest speaker visits with Doug
1999 – Tasmania. Tasmanian sisters
1999 – Tasmania. Joy Horne (right) with camp family

2000 – Annerly. Gordon Clymer (right) with T John Samuel (left),
one of several USA preacher’s who addressed the 2000 Convention
2000 – Annerly. At the 2000 Convention – Delroy, Tim, Doug

2001 – Charelstown. Roger & Ruth Wall
2001 – Charelstown. Australian Christian Convention
2001 – Charelstown. Meal  and fellowship time at the Convention

2002 – Camp Elim.
2002 – Camp Elim. Everyone at Camp Elim

2005 – Toowoomba. Bruce and Lola with Terry Smith and Gladys Wainright.
2005 – Toowoomba. Jim and Becky Mewman.
2005 – Toowoomba. Owen Wainright (now passed to glory) with wife Gladys.

2007 – Charelstown.
2007 – Charelstown. Visiting Speaker Tony Amerine with Cheri.
2007 – Charelstown. Robert Buna visiting Missionary from PNG.

2009 – The-Point. Joy and Allan and Horne.
2009 – The Point. The late Warren Holioak with Pauline
2009 – The Point. Jim, Becky, Samantha & Daniel Newman

2010 Foreground Phillip McDonald escorted the 5 Indian visitors from Chenai to Australia
2010 keynote Speaker Tony Amarine from America.
2010 Ezra Gnanaraj and below (left) Ezra delivers his message from the missionfield.
2010 Westchurch Sydney. Indian visitors to the ACC.
L to R: John Davipurim, Doctor Duriraj, John Samuel, John Sridharan, Ezra Gnanaraj.

2012 – Charelstown hosts the ACC Convention featuring Geoff Faul visiting Speaker from America
2012 – Charelstown. Presentation by Ezra Gnanaraj Indian Missionary to friends & helpers
2012 – Charelstown. Phillip McDonald (left) shares what God can do through a small house church
2012 – Charelstown. Simon Bodley (right) shares what God is doing at West Church

ACC 2014 Photo Gallery
ACC 2015 Photo Gallery

ACC 2016 Photo Gallery
ACC 2017 Photo Gallery