The Australian Christian Convention (ACC) came into existence out of two issues that were disturbing Doug Willis (New Testament Evangelist/Missionary). Because of his concerns, Doug placed an advertisement in the ‘New Life’ Christian magazine in 1983, calling all concerned Christians to a Convention at Log Cabin Lodge campsite in Creswick, Victoria.
Doug’s initial concerns were aroused by the departure from Biblical morals and New Testament doctrine and practices within Australia. At that time the Federal Conference of Churches of Christ was in full membership with the liberal, ecumenical World Council of Churches. Because of this affiliation, several Conference churches in Victoria and New South Wales disaffiliated from their respective State Conference bodies. This motivated Doug to look at ways to initiate an opportunity that would fulfil the need to encourage these churches to remain in contact and fellowship with each other (the second reason for proposing the ACC).
There was only one person who responded to the ‘New Life’ advertisement and that person was Alan Horne, from Ulverstone, Tasmania. Alan and Doug agreed to meet to share their mutual concerns. From that meeting it was decided to approach the Charlestown Church of Christ in Newcastle, NSW, to host a Convention the following year (1984). Don Craig, from Charlestown, led the church in this first very successful Convention (originally called the South Pacific Christian Convention).
Today, some 36 years later the ACC continues to be an annual event that is encouraging and edifying for those who attend. Over the years the ACC has continued to invite respected preachers from within Australia to present at the Convention. Plus, there have been many inspirational and esteemed international speakers from several overseas nations, including men from the United States and New Zealand.
Each year evangelists and preachers have travelled to Australia to attend the Convention, including men from India; PNG; Solomon Islands; Papua New Guinea and Uganda. Their attendance helps the ACC keep a healthy focus on the mission field.
The focus of the ACC continues to be the Lord Jesus Christ and our desire to become more like Him by following in His footsteps. This is portrayed by all our endeavours, which reminds us of the purpose and aims of the ACC:
1. To call all concerned Christians to contend for Bible morals and New Testament doctrine.
2. To honour the Scriptures as the only ground for unity between followers of Christ.
3. To speak where the Scriptures speak; to be silent where the Scriptures are silent, in all matters of faith and practice . . . and to plead for unity in matters essential; liberty in matters non-essential; and in all things, love.
Doug Willis – June 2019